If you would like one of her pups or ask any questions call 306-752-2284.
Peter & Joyann
Father T-Bone
Tess Mother
Female #9 Attributes / Sold
½ face mask, black ears classic tan points. Short rich blue coat, long tail small kink points down average body size. Small white Bentley on the forehead. She sits and also fetches.
Male #2 Attributes / Sold
Eye patch with black ears ½ face mask and classic tan points. Rich blue coat, long tail and large body size he was 2nd biggest pup of the litter. Small white Bentley. Long tail with a small stomp on the base of the tail. Fetches and sits.
Male #3 Attributes / Sold
Nice full clean face with all the classic tan points with some black on the ears. He is also looking to have a broad chest. Short tail. He sits on command.
Female #6 Attributes / Sold
She has a coon even face mask with a classic tan points and small Bentley with a short tail with a toe stomp on the base of the tail, average size with short length blue coat. She is fetching now, and has a to ponce on the teddy. Video below.
Male #4 Attributes / Sold
¼ face mask with black ears and rich classic tan points. Short blue coat. The long tail has a small kink towards the end of the tail it points upwards a little. He has average body size. Large white Bentley on the forehead.
Name: Tess
Sex: Female
Born: Dec/25/2015 Melfort, SK
Pedigree: Pure Blue Heeler Stock
Weight: 40 lbs
Height: 19 inch to the withers
This is our daughter Heather's dog named Tess. Pups are ready to go to there new home vaccinated and ready to go!
There are still a lot of great ones to chose from this beautiful litter and they are 3 months old. You can see some videos of them below doing some learning to sit and fetch below.
Female #8 Attributes / Sold
Nice full even clean face and classic tan points with black and white mottled paws. Short rich blue coat, long tail small kink average body size. Large white Bentley on the forehead.
Female #7 Attributes / Sold
¾ face mask and all the classic tan points. She is the largest puppy of the litter. Long tail and a rich blue coat. She has a large toe stomp on the middle of her back.
Male #1 Attributes / Sold
Two eye coon patches, two black ears and the classic tan points. Long tail and average body size. Broad chest and a large white Bentley on the forehead. Lighter color coat. His mask looks just like his dads patch... and he makes funny faces just like T-Bone does, makes us laugh with joy.
Female #5 Attributes / Sold
¾ face mask with a classic tan points and white and black Bentley on the forehead. Short tail, average size with short rich blue length coat.