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Blue Heeler Dogs Raised in Western Canada Saskatchewan 

© Copying 2014 - 2024  All Rights Reserved Content & Photos. Peter & Joyann Mast www.blueheeler.ca 

This is a video of "Izzy" and pups. Most of our pups hold to this high rich standard of color. You can see photos of them at Izzy Pups 2016. 

Call 306-752-2284 to have one put on hold for pick-up for for you or for more info, calls are always welcome.  
Blue Heeler Puppies
Price only $1200 for puppies. Call Joy at 306-752-2284 to get one today or to be put on the wait list for a later litter. Get one soon before these beauties are gone!

*Yes, we are Canadian breeders! 
*Yes, we will have pups again!
*Yes, we can hold one. No holding fees!
*Yes, you can be put on the list, for next litter!
*Yes, Call: 306-752-2284 to reserve one now!
Blue Heelers are one of the easiest dog breeds to train in the world today. We carry the very best, well marked puppies on the market for color, size and disposition. Our pups carry rich blue coats. Perfect tan points on the face, chest, and feet. To go with their exceptional black patch placements. 

This breed is a lot of fun to have. Their technical name is the Australian Cattle Dog. Being bred to work livestock has made them a smart cow dog with a high degree of super intelligence in a world of be fast and smart or get injured or worse... they could die. 

Australia is the place of origins that has the Dingo Wild Dog bred with a Blue Collie, and 3 other breeds for refining to get the Blue Heeler we know today. From there these great dogs were imported to Canada and then they eventually made it to our house here in Saskatchewan.

When buying a dog, their train-ability should be one of the key factors in your decision. 

There is little point in getting a puppy that grows into a dog that does nothing but sniff the crotch and wants to make love to the sofa or worse a neighbour’s leg, embarrassing indeed. There needs to be that flare, love, loyalty, and of course one needs some tricks to smooth over that embarrassing stuff. Then you can say sheepishly “Down boy, bad…well, sorry about that sir... look at this “sit boy; good dog; now look at this, 'fetch'.” Then you can turn to your company that was rudely violated and say, “You see, he can do other great tricks too.”

Tricks and train-ability are key points to go with their medium/small size, their height can vary a little too. Their medium/small size is a plus so you don’t have to feed them as much compared to a larger breed of dog. All around their size is just another plus. 

A very hardy breed, easily handling weather that ranges from -40C in the winter to +30C in the summertime here in Saskatchewan Canada where we live close to the city of Prince Albert. One could say that they were bred for this up and down weather. Being one who has lived in all three western provinces (Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia) you quickly learn that the dog you want is one that can hold up well to the weather. Just because they do well in this weather does not mean that I work them at sub -40 weather because I don’t like working outside for long in that weather either. 

Heelers are also one of the nicest dog breeds to be had. They are not a cowardly nice, but rather a fearless, save-your-life with their life, kind of nice. There are many great stories out there of this being the case. Their loyalty is huge. As a kid we had hogs, cows, and Blue Heelers. There were many times that our dogs saved my hide when dealing with cranky cows or an ornery old sow.  
As some people know, these dogs have been used for running cattle and they are excellent at it. 

They were bred in the land-down-under, Australia, somewhere in the 1850’s -1880’s for that kind of working tasks. They do relish in it and love it as much as they love to please you their master. 

But did you know these Blue Heelers can work hogs, sheep, ducks, and yes, even chickens? They can also ride in cars, trucks (inside and on the back), on the back of a motorbike and backs of horses, or have been known to be great traveling companions, riding in the cab of big 18 wheeler rig across the country.  They are also guide dogs for the blind.

The good news is that this dog is great for almost every one. They will love you just the way you are. You being the master, need to care for them of course. In return, you will get one of the smoothest and most intelligent friends you will ever have. If you have a small young family, no problem, they are very good with kids.

 In fact we have a baby, also a 2 year old, and a five year old, there really could not be a better family dog out there. The dogs are big enough that kids can’t drop them, adults won’t step on them, and cause serious injury except when they are a puppy of course. Yet, they are not so big like a Golden Retriever that might walk all over small kids and drop a ton of hair when shedding. 

As a Blue Heeler owner myself, I do love these dogs. They are also very colourful. They most often have four distinct colors blue, brown/tan, white, and black. Patterns do vary some.

As a kid, we had hogs in two large barns as well as some in hog pens outside. The pigs outside sometimes would have their litter of piglets out there and it would be just a matter of time until those little rascal vandals would be in the garden having fun wrecking everything. 

When those pig vandals were caught in the menacing act, it only took one command, “Get them,” and a whistle and our Blue Heeler dogs would be a running to get those pigs back into their pen. This was quite the comical scene to behold. I do have to say those dogs had very little training compared to what I try to put into them nowadays, and they were great.

These days, I put a little more time into my dogs to make them everything they can be and get more work and fun out of them, and for this they love me. I can’t say enough of what these dogs can do and learn so quickly.  

Mind you, that as an owner you should know at the very least, some basic steps to get a good return on the dog. Hire a trainer or enroll your dog in an obedience school if needs be. A easy free way to learn how to train your dog yourself, is to get a book at the library. It is wise to think on the dog breed that would best fit you before you buy.

If you do not have a Blue Heeler already, choose wisely, they may not be for everyone but seriously consider a Blue Heeler. This is one of the best dog breed choices you can make for working livestock or training tricks and active living. 

You can read more on our disclaimer
Quick Blue Heeler Facts

There is nothing better than to own a Blue Heeler…except... owning two is better yet! Oh yah!

Ten Reasons to Own a Blue Heeler.
 In no particular order… 

1. Smartest dog breed in the world! Consistently ranks in one of the top 3 spots for intelligence!

2. Excellent with kids, families, and singles alike. 

3. Extremely unique color patterns. Very eye pleasing and a real attention grabber.

4. Easily learns tricks! 

5. Perfect medium size. Not too big. Not too small. Just right. 30lbs - 45lbs at full age (…bonus, smaller poops!)

6. Can live in the country and in cities alike. Country in best of course (but with a city and a big yard is good).

7. Durable, healthy dog with low health risks.

8. Exceptional herding dog for animals like cattle, sheep and hogs.

9. Brilliantly versatile. 

10. …did I say intelligent? What more needs to be said?

Ten good reasons to purchase a puppy from us?

1. Excellent genetic temperament!

2. Puppy available regularly from proven, intelligent working parents!

3. Puppies are well fed on Puppy Chow brand and milk replacement after weaning. 

4. 100% Money back limited guarantee. You can read more in the disclaimer on the guarantee.

5. Puppy adapted to young kids.

6. We own this website where you can see up to date videos and photos of our puppies.

7. Will hold a pick with no deposit for pre-6 week old pups.  

8. High quality genetics in puppy, with a low price tag at a fair going rate. 

9. We meet and/or exceed all dog health, housing, space, exercise time and food guide lines set by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Code of practice.

10. Excellent service, easy to contact and friendly. 

10. Quirky Facts: Blue Heeler 
Dog VS The Hired Hand

1. The dog gets the cows. The hired hand gets the nap.

2. The Australian Cattle Dog will only “whine” for the first month or so then never again! The farm hand will whine non stop the rest of your life.

3. The dog will work for a lap of water, cow chips, and a warm spot on the ground. The hired hand works for only hourly wages, RRSPs and for time off.

4. The dog works hard on weekends, holidays, and overtime for free. The hired hand works hard too, at getting a full dental plan! 

5. The dog tells you someone just drove in the yard. The hired has just drove out of the yard.

6. The dog leaps up and is ready to go the moment you step outside. The hired hand leaps up at the sight of their pay check.

7. The dog won’t “bark” back at you, for giving them a simple command. The hired hand barks more than the dog does.

​​8. The pup learns super fast. The cow hand just can't learn at all.

9. The Heeler is stunning in beauty. The cow hand...well...just plain ugly.

10. The Australian Cattle Dog likes being scratched on the belly. The ranch hand... not so much.

    Time Zone
When driving for pick up from Alberta, Manitoba, and British Colombia, remember the time change here in Saskatchewan, it never changes! Drive safe and have a great adventure!  
    Other News: 
​We can meet you in Edmonton  or Calgary AB, if you need to get a puppy from us delivered for a small fee, just let us know for details...   
Call 306-752-2284 for more details, if you are in need of a drop off in your area we can see if we can help you out.

    Some past Stock photos and names over the years where Izzy and T-BoneDixie, Penny

Name: General  
Sex: Male 
Born: Feb/24/2018, Prince Gorge B.C.
​Pedigree: Pure Blue Heeler Stock
Weight: 45 lbs
Height: 18.5 inch to the withers
For Sale 
Cleo Pups!
Born Oct 11,2024

1 Female On Hold

Call Joy at...

Get a puppy
on hold while they
still last!
These two are our kids dogs they have trained them from a 8 weeks old. They are from good pure stock. 

Video below is of one of Izzy's smart little youngsters. We had called her Dolly until she... well went to her new home. 

Tubby is in the 2nd video of her doing part of her training. 
Name: Cloe
Sex: Female 
Born: 2022 Prince Albert S.K.
​Pedigree: Pure Blue Heeler Stock
​Weight: 39 lbs
Height: 17 inch to the withers

Book #1
Call of the Lighter

Short stories that will have the whole family laughing.

It's me, Peter N. Mast. Many of you know that Joy and myself for blueheeler,
...but I broke my ankle, had some pain and then had some time, so in between limps and hobbles. I wrote one of the best funny adventure book you will read.

McVanBuck is found on Amazon.ca or 
New now on 
Audio book Audible.ca

Family Laughter Guaranteed!
Book #2 Softcover $14.95

McVanBuck Guns, Grizzlies And Scares

​"Honestly laughed so hard I was in tears! 
"Had is read to me well driving to Nova Scotia
and I almost wet my pants in laughter."